




Five construction methods of inspection wells have the following advantages and disadvantages:
1. Traditional brick inspection wells: need to be manually built, the quality depends on the technical level of workers. Low labor productivity is not conducive to rapid pipeline assembly construction, affecting urban traffic. Low strength and loose inner skin after using for a period of time cause the overall subsidence of inspection wells and the settlement of surrounding pavement, which has become a common problem in road engineering. High permeability and pollution of groundwater resources. Clay sintering destroys farmland.
2. Cast-in-situ concrete inspection wells: on-site formwork support, large excavation section, large disturbance current soil range. The support formwork of special-shaped inspection wells is very difficult. Maintenance time is long. The overall cost is high.
3、预制装配和模块砌筑检查井:预制装配式钢筋砼检查井的大型预制件在城市中运输难度大(立交桥、过街天桥限高)。施工现场需要吊车,增加造价。接入管高程、管径大小与方向控制精度要求高。需要模具数量较大。预制混凝土模块检扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训查井已形成标准化、系列化,总体造价较预制装配式钢筋砼检查井低,但强度与施工稍逊。目前注浆和防渗有待研究。
3. Prefabricated assembly and modular masonry inspection wells: Large prefabricated parts of prefabricated reinforced concrete inspection wells are difficult to transport in cities (overpasses and overpasses are limited to high levels). The construction site needs cranes to increase the cost. The control accuracy of height, diameter and direction of access pipe is required. A large number of moulds are needed. The prefabricated concrete module inspection wells have been standardized and serialized. The overall cost of prefabricated reinforced concrete inspection wells is lower than that of prefabricated prefabricated reinforced concrete inspection wells, but the strength and construction are slightly lower. At present, grouting and seepage prevention need to be studied.


  1. 名称:河北巨弘建筑工程有限公司
  2. 手机:19933555888
  3. 联系人:王经理
  4. 地址:保定市长城北大街车管所北行3公里路东

版权 © 河北巨弘建筑工程有限公司 网址:www.huafenchimoju.cn  推荐:化粪池模具,隔离墩钢模具,流水槽钢模具,水泥电缆槽模具
